Listing #2729275

... paying off debt, buying a home, retirement, and more at Yahoo Money. ... think it was the dot-com bubble — but my dad really hates talking about it for obvious ...


Website Performance

cumulativeLayoutShiftAllFrames 0 Sec
layoutShiftAvgSessionGap5s 0 Sec
observedFirstContentfulPaintAllFramesTs 928141714649
observedFirstContentfulPaint 0.62 Sec
observedTraceEnd 4.42 Sec
observedDomContentLoadedTs 928142025931
observedLargestContentfulPaintAllFrames 0.73 Sec
cumulativeLayoutShift 0 Sec
observedLastVisualChangeTs 928143038802
observedFirstVisualChangeTs 928141705802
firstMeaningfulPaint 0.81 Sec
layoutShiftMaxSliding1s 0 Sec
speedIndex 1.28 Sec
observedNavigationStart 0 Sec
observedFirstPaint 0.62 Sec
observedCumulativeLayoutShiftAllFrames 0 Sec
observedSpeedIndex 0.72 Sec
observedCumulativeLayoutShift 0 Sec
observedTraceEndTs 928145516957
observedLoadTs 928142528964
estimatedInputLatency 0.01 Sec
interactive 2.51 Sec
observedLastVisualChange 1.94 Sec
firstCPUIdle 2.14 Sec
observedFirstMeaningfulPaint 0.72 Sec
observedFirstPaintTs 928141714649
observedFirstContentfulPaintAllFrames 0.62 Sec
observedLargestContentfulPaintTs 928141826129
observedLargestContentfulPaint 0.73 Sec
observedFirstContentfulPaintTs 928141714649
observedTimeOriginTs 928141098802
totalBlockingTime 0.01 Sec
observedTimeOrigin 0 Sec
observedNavigationStartTs 928141098802
observedFirstVisualChange 0.61 Sec
observedFirstMeaningfulPaintTs 928141815724
layoutShiftMaxSessionGap1sLimit5s 0 Sec
maxPotentialFID 0.07 Sec
observedLoad 1.43 Sec
observedSpeedIndexTs 928141816009
layoutShiftMaxSliding300ms 0 Sec
largestContentfulPaint 1.11 Sec
observedDomContentLoaded 0.93 Sec
firstContentfulPaint 0.81 Sec
observedLargestContentfulPaintAllFramesTs 928141826129
layoutShiftMaxSessionGap1s 0 Sec
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